Customize the buttons to switch the selection mode

The `SwitchSelectionMode` component provided by the Selection Mode plugin is used to create a custom switching button. It has two properties:
*: Required parameter
`children``RenderSwitchSelectionModeProps => ReactElement`The render prop2.0.0
`mode`*`SelectionMode`The selection mode2.0.0
The sample code below creates a button that clicking it will switch to the hand selection mode:
import { RenderSwitchSelectionModeProps, SelectionMode } from '@react-pdf-viewer/selection-mode';
// Your render function
const selectionModePluginInstance = selectionModePlugin();
const { SwitchSelectionMode } = selectionModePluginInstance;
<SwitchSelectionMode mode={SelectionMode.Hand}>
{(props: RenderSwitchSelectionModeProps) => (
backgroundColor: '#357edd',
border: 'none',
borderRadius: '4px',
color: '#ffffff',
cursor: 'pointer',
padding: '8px',
Hand tool

See also