We can create custom navigation buttons provided by the
Page Navigation plugin with the
They can be accessed directly from the `page-navigation`
plugin instance:
import { pageNavigationPlugin } from '@react-pdf-viewer/page-navigation' ;
const pageNavigationPluginInstance = pageNavigationPlugin ( ) ;
const { GoToFirstPage , GoToLastPage , GoToNextPage , GoToPreviousPage } = pageNavigationPluginInstance ;
Customize the button of jumping to the first page
The `GoToFirstPage`
component has a render prop which is a function accepting a `RenderGoToPageProps`
parameter and returns a React element.
import { RenderGoToPageProps } from '@react-pdf-viewer/page-navigation' ;
< GoToFirstPage >
( props : RenderGoToPageProps ) => (
< button
style = { {
} }
onClick = { props . onClick }
First page
< / button >
< / GoToFirstPage >
Customize the button of jumping to the previous page
< GoToPreviousPage >
( props : RenderGoToPageProps ) => (
< button
style = { {
} }
disabled = { props . isDisabled }
onClick = { props . onClick }
Previous page
< / button >
< / GoToPreviousPage >
Customize the button of jumping to the next page
< GoToNextPage >
( props : RenderGoToPageProps ) => (
< button
style = { {
} }
disabled = { props . isDisabled }
onClick = { props . onClick }
Next page
< / button >
< / GoToNextPage >
Customize the button of jumping to the last page
< GoToLastPage >
( props : RenderGoToPageProps ) => (
< button
style = { {
} }
onClick = { props . onClick }
Last page
< / button >
< / GoToLastPage >
First page
Previous page
Next page
Last page
See also