Find and replace links found in each page

By default, the texts in page which are not actually hyperlinks, they will not be rendered as links. For example, is treated as a normal text.
In this example, we will create a plugin to find all the links and turn them into real hyperlinks.

Create a plugin

Like any built in plugin, a custom plugin is actually a function that returns an instance of core `Plugin`.
Our plugin called `findLinksPlugin` does not need any options, so it looks like following:
import { Plugin } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
const findLinksPlugin = (): Plugin => {
return {
`Plugin` allows you to perform additional action when a particular event happens. For this specific example, we will hook on the `onTextLayerRender` event which is triggered when all text in each page is rendered completely.
import { PluginOnTextLayerRender } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
const findLinksPlugin = (): Plugin => {
const findLinks = (e: PluginOnTextLayerRender) => {
return {
onTextLayerRender: findLinks,
Within the `findLinks` function, we will replace all the link-like text with hyperlinks. There are some libraries to do that such as
We will use the linkifyjs library, so ensure that the following package is installed:
$ npm install linkifyjs
If you use Typescript, then install the type definitions for `linkifyjs`:
$ npm install --save-dev @types/linkifyjs

Find and replace links

It is easy to query all text elements in each page and use the linkifyjs libary to find links:
import linkifyElement from 'linkifyjs/element';
const findLinks = (e: PluginOnTextLayerRender) => {
// `e.ele` represents the element containing all text elements in each page
// Find all text elements
// `rpv-core-text` is the CSS class of each text element
.forEach((textEle) => {
linkifyElement(textEle as HTMLElement, {
attributes: {
// Custom styles
style: 'color: transparent; text-decoration: none;',
// Open link in new tab
target: '_blank',
You can customize the attributes of each link by passing them to the `attributes` parameter.

See also