Assume that whenever user changes page you want to store the current page, and show it when user comes back.
To track the current page, we can rely on the `onPageChange`
event which is triggered when user changes page:
import { PageChangeEvent, Viewer } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
const handlePageChange = (e: PageChangeEvent) => {
localStorage.setItem('current-page', `${e.currentPage}`);
<Viewer onPageChange={handlePageChange} />;
As you see, we store the current page on the local storage under the key `current-page`
In reality, you might need to change the key as it could include an unique identifier for the document that you want to track:
localStorage.setItem(`current-page-${docId}`, `${e.currentPage}`);
The page from last visit then can be retrieved from the local storage, and be set as the initial page:
const initialPage = localStorage.getItem('current-page') ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem('current-page'), 10) : 0;
<Viewer initialPage={initialPage} />;
In the following demo, you can scroll to any page of the document, and then refresh the whole page to see that the last page is activated: