Zoom to a specific level

The zoom in and zoom out buttons described in the Customize the zoom buttons example only increases or descreases the scale level in a pre-defined array of levels. They do not provide the ability of zooming to given level which is not in that array.
The `Zoom` component comes in handy:
import { zoomPlugin } from '@react-pdf-viewer/zoom';
const zoomPluginInstance = zoomPlugin();
const { Zoom } = zoomPluginInstance;
It has a render prop that accepts a `RenderZoomProps` and returns a React element.
`RenderZoomProps` provides the following properties:
`scale``number`The current scale level2.0.0
`onZoom``Function`Zoom to specific level2.0.0
`onZoom` is a function that takes a `number | SpecialZoomLevel` parameter.
`SpecialZoomLevel` is an enum of three possible values:
`ActualSize`Zoom to actual size of page
`PageFit`Fit the pages in the container
`PageWidth`Fit the width of pages in the container
The sample code below creates two buttons that zoom the current document up to 200% and actual size of page:
import { SpecialZoomLevel } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
import { RenderZoomProps } from '@react-pdf-viewer/zoom';
// Your render function
(props: RenderZoomProps) => (
onClick={() => props.onZoom(2.0)}
(props: RenderZoomProps) => (
onClick={() => props.onZoom(SpecialZoomLevel.ActualSize)}
Actual size

See also