Zoom to a specific level programmatically

The Zoom plugin provides the `Zoom` component that can be used to zoom to a particular level.
However, there is a case that you want to create a custom zoom button that is displayed outside of the `Viewer` component. This example demonstrates how we can archive that requirement by creating a custom plugin.

Create a plugin definition

Our plugin provides one function that zooms the document to particular level:
import { Plugin, SpecialZoomLevel } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
interface CustomZoomPlugin extends Plugin {
zoomTo(scale: number | SpecialZoomLevel): void;

Implement the plugin

Our plugin needs to store the `zoom` function provided by the `PluginFunctions`. You can think of the store as the central management that the plugin and the components in the plugin can interact with.
Our store is quite simple:
import { SpecialZoomLevel } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
interface StoreProps {
zoom?(scale: number | SpecialZoomLevel): void;
The store is initialized when we create the plugin:
import { createStore, PluginFunctions, SpecialZoomLevel } from '@react-pdf-viewer/core';
const customZoomPlugin = (): CustomZoomPlugin => {
const store = React.useMemo(() => createStore < StoreProps > {}, []);
When we register a plugin with the `Viewer` component, the plugin's `install` will be invoked. It is the right place to set the initial value for our store. In the following sample code, we just call the `update` function to set the `zoom` property:
const customZoomPlugin = (): CustomZoomPlugin => {
return {
install: (pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => {
store.update('zoom', pluginFunctions.zoom);
Now, since the `customZoomPlugin` function has to implement the `CustomZoomPlugin` interface, we have to implement the `zoomTo` function. We can retrieve the store properties here as following:
const customZoomPlugin = (): CustomZoomPlugin => {
return {
zoomTo: (scale: number | SpecialZoomLevel) => {
const zoom = store.get('zoom');
if (zoom) {
// Zoom to that scale

Use the plugin

We need to create an instance of the plugin and register it with the `Viewer` component:
const customZoomPluginInstance = customZoomPlugin();
const { zoomTo } = customZoomPluginInstance;
// Register the plugin
<Viewer fileUrl={fileUrl} plugins={[customZoomPluginInstance]} />;
The `zoomTo` function provided by the plugin instance can be used at anywhere to zoom the document:
<button onClick={() => zoomTo(SpecialZoomLevel.ActualSize)}>
Actual size
<button onClick={() => zoomTo(1.5)}>

See also